At Willunga Primary School, we believe that voluntary workers make a significant contribution to their school community by giving their time and sharing their skills and expertise with others.
Volunteers may have a wide range of interests and abilities that complement school programs, thus providing a wider range of interactions and experiences for students.
All parents volunteering on site are required to;
- Participate in a Responding to Abuse and Neglect Training and complete a Volunteer General Induction, both available online.
- Undertake a site based induction
- Sign in and out through the front office
- Adhere to the Volunteers policy
At Willunga Primary School we support volunteers to connect with our learning community in a range of capacities. This includes listening to reading, working with small groups under the supervision of a teacher, supporting cooking and gardening groups, and specific activities such as art or community programs.
Volunteer support is needed for local walks, excursions, sporting events and camps. Additional volunteer roles are available in Support Services with book covering, laminating and other office skills. Training and support is offered to volunteers looking to gain new skills.
Responding to Abuse and Neglect Training is available online. Details are available from the front office secretary.
Training specific to your role is also available based on your needs.
Working with Children Checks are not required for parents except those –
- volunteering in an activity not directly related to their child
- attending overnight camps
- nominating for Governing Council as they are the legal operator of the OSHC service and canteen employees.
Willunga Primary is happy to facilitate WWC checks for interested parents to ensure they are able to participate in any role (including overnight excursions etc) as they occur. Please see the Business Manager for further information.