PE & Health

The aim of PE AND HEALTH at Willunga Primary School is to promote and develop:

  • pleasurable involvement in physical activity
  • cognitive, aesthetic, expressive, physical, cultural and social development
  • fitness and health
  • positive attitudes, character development, team building and ‘being a good sport’
  • an understanding of healthy lifestyle choices
  • access to our kitchen garden program

Children at Willunga have the opportunity to participate in many SAPSASA South Australian Primary Schools Amateur Sports Association) sports.

 Kitchen Garden

Our Kitchen Garden is underway and supported with a teacher released to highlight planting, growth patterns and learning opportunities.

The Kitchen Garden entails a program of food education – establishing an organic vegetable and herb garden as well as harvesting, preparing, cooking and sharing the produce, real-life experiences, hands on gardening and harvesting as well as participating in classroom curriculum activities associated with The Right Bite (Healthy  Eating) strategy of the State  Government.


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